Pain in half the Big Toe    
By Dr. Steven J. Dolgoff

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Pain in 1/2 of Big ToePain in 1/2 of Big Toe, middle 3 ToesPain to little ToePain to 1/2 of Big Toe and 1/2 LegPain inside of heel & up LegOther causes of Painful ToesFact Sheet for N.I.N.D.S.Contact PageReprints & PermissionsReturning MembersResearch LinksDiabetic Peripheral NeurpathyDrugs for Diabetic Nerve Pain3 Steps to treat Diabetic NeuropathyReduce Risk of Nerve DamageRate Your PainNeuro-No 2 DirectionsHow to Order Neuro-No 2 foot diagram by Netter's Anatomy

Diagrams courtesy of Netter's Anatomy

Netter's Anatomy

Pain in the big toe when due to peripheral neuropathy, may only be located on the inside part of the big toe, (letter A) and going up the inside portion of your leg towards your knee. (letter A)

Looking at the Dermatome chart below, this would be consistent with Dermatome L-4, which also corresponds to the pin labeled A.

Dermatome chart by Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy

Dermatome chart courtesy of Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy.

Order Grant Atlas of Anatomy at Barnes & Noble

Neuro-No 2: First Line Treatment
Neuro-No 2: Directions
Neuro-No 2: How to Order